Day: June 13, 2020

How do I help maintain my child’s home language? (II) 如何帮助孩子保持中文第一语言的能力?(二)

How do I help maintain my child’s home language? (II) 如何帮助孩子保持中文第一语言的能力?(二)

Strategy #3: Assign different language roles to different family members. This is different from “no English at home” in that specific people are assigned with speaking a specifc language. 方法三:家里面规定有固定说中文的人。这个方法和“家里不许说中文”不同,因为不同的家庭成员要承担起不同的语言角色。说中文要看是和谁说话。 Pros: This strategy works naturally well for younger kids especially when grandparents who don’t speak