How do I help maintain my child’s home language? (II) 如何帮助孩子保持中文第一语言的能力?(二)

How do I help maintain my child’s home language? (II) 如何帮助孩子保持中文第一语言的能力?(二)

Strategy #3: Assign different language roles to different family members. This is different from “no English at home” in that specific people are assigned with speaking a specifc language.


Pros: This strategy works naturally well for younger kids especially when grandparents who don’t speak English stay with the family. Young kids naturally love to talk and will maintain both if the parents speak English and the grandparents speak only Chinese to them. A lot of kids in this type of families who go to daycare from very young are typically natural native speakers of both English and Chinese.

优势:这个方法对于年龄小的孩子来说很自然,尤其适合家里有不说英语的老人的家庭。小孩子自然是喜欢多讲话,他们会喜欢对父母说英语、对老人说中文。 很多孩子上幼儿园都比较早,有这样的家庭环境,他们会比较自然地同时习得两种语言。

Cons: Unless the kids are really close to their adults and the good relationship can be maintain throughout adolescence, their willness to speak Chinese to grandparents may change. Many teens just go directly into their own room after a quick “hello” when back from school. After homework, they are so involved in their own world of teen chats that they didn’t care for prolonged conversations with parents or grandparents. If the grandparents do not speak Manderin, the standard Chinese, the kids may acquire a dialect that their peers do not understand. If one parent speaks Chinese to the kids and the other, English, it would be difficult to carry out.

不足:除非孩子到了青春期还能和父母及老人保持良好的互动关系,要不然到了十几岁的适合他们就不一定喜欢和长辈多说了。很多青春期的孩子一回家就只打声招呼,然后立刻钻进自己的房间里面,做自己的事情了。作业做完之后,他们也是只喜欢和同龄人在电脑电话上面聊天,并不想和长辈有太多的交流。 如果老人不说普通话,孩子可能会习得到方言,但是无法和其他说普通话的孩子交流。如果家里没有老人,父母当中有一个人说中文,一个人说英语,可能会在操作上很难实现。

How to minimize the cons: Build a good, trusting, and respectful relationship with your kids from early on and maintain this relationship as much as possible. Give them freedom to choose. They may still choose to talk more in Chinese when they are teenagers.


Strategy #4: Agree on a home language day or a few days every week. For example, English on weekdays and Chinese on weekends.


Pros: It gives everyone more freedom and flexibility. Parents don’t have to speak English only on weekdays, kids will anyways. On weekends all homework is done (supposedly), kids will have to work hard on speaking Chinese. Many kids have weekend Chinese school anyways, so it actually gives them a sense of continuity.


Cons: The whole family has to be committed to abiding this rule. If kids need weekend time to do homework from their regular school, they may still need to discuss academic content in English. If kids have extra-curricular activities other than weekend Chinese school, they will need to speak English to other kids. In these cases, the plan simply won’t work.


How to minimize the cons: Build a good relationship with your kids so that they enjoy commiting themselves to speaking “weekend Chinese” and see this as an opportunity to bond as a family. Arrange extracurricular activities to avoid weekends. Use weekends only for family fun and Chinese school. Encourage kids to finish homework on Friday, so that they won’t have any more to do on weekends. If your family schedule is different, agree as a family on a couple of different days for speaking Chinese.


Strategy #5: Send your child to an immersion school with academic content taught in both English and the home language. Immersion schools also teach content in English. A typical schedule involves morning teachings in English on new content and afternoon practices using Chinese (or any other target language). Immersion schools are usually private schools.


Pros: Kids have plenty of opportunities to get enough language input and also produce output. Besides daily and functional Chinese, they also naturally acquire academic Chinese. With good immersion schools, parents can feel relatively secure about their kids maintaining a higher level of proficiency for both languages.


Cons: These schools are expensive. Not everyone can afford to go. There may be big differences among different immersion schools. Most Chinese kids actually do not go to immersion schools even when their parents can afford to sent them there. Most kids in immersion schools may be mainstraim Americans whose parents would like them to learn Chinese. If your 1st grader is already a fluent native speaker of Chinese, you might not want her to start from scratch with the rest of the class.


How to minimize the cons: Before choosing an immersion school, investigate, investigate, investigate. Does the school have a good physical environment? Are people friendly? Is it competitive academically? Does it have good reputation? What are the qualifications of the teachers? Who goes to this school? Does the students’ language proficiency match your child’s? What are the strengths and weakness of this school? If your child has special needs, can the school accommodate? When your questions are answered, you will find it easier to reach a decision.


Strategy #6: A naturalist way based on practical eclecticism and age-appropriate cultural realism. This is actually an informed and selective use of all or some of the previous strategies while keeping a balance between mainstream culture and home culture.


Pros: Nobody is too stressed out about having to speak Chinese or English. Kids don’t feel pressurized into being Chinese at home, which makes them feel out of place at school. It’s a most relexible strategy that kids like better because they feel better about themselves. Conturary to popular belief, this actually sparks more interest in learning Chinese and help them feel more attracted to the Chinese culture. They feel like they have choices, and so interestingly, they choose speaking and being Chinese.


Cons: It may take a lot of learning and effort, even crafted planning, on the part of the parents. A lot of old, dearly helped beliefs may be challenged. Parents may be worried and in doubt if this is going to work.


What parents can do: Form a good relationship with your child. Trust professionals in the field of language teaching, get informed in how your local Chinese community functions, set a good example by doing volunteer work or providing other forms of service, learn a bit of child development and psychology, learn a bit of how language acquisition and learning works, and understand how sociocultural issues influence your child in reality.


A personal experience: I have personally been using this strategy. Being a realistic person, I chose to honor my daughter’s needs and feelings above all else. When she was little and refused to speak English, I didn’t push her to speak English. When she was catching up on English and rejecting Chinese, I didn’t force her to speak Chinese. As a language teacher I understand child development, feelings of security, sociolinguistic needs and trust that children have their own inner curriculum when it comes to language acquisition and learning. Instead, I helped her achieve native speaker status in English as much as possible when she needed it the most. She was really happy about what I did for her. When she felt confident about her English, she started to voluntarily come back to pick up Chinese. So, I signed her up for Chinese school when she was 4. At first her comeback seemed slow but steady. I found her conjugating sentence patterns in Chinese on her own without being prompted a semester after starting Chinese school PreK. To her it was a game. To me, I knew her Chinese would be fine. During her 3rd year of learning Chinese and 2nd year with me (I teach at the same Chinese school, too), her Chinese is making leaps and bounds. I naturally speak more English with her and her dad, more Chinese. But mostly, we just speak whatever feels right at the moment. She listens, speaks, reads, and writes with expected bilingual proficiency and initiates conversations in Chinese without being asked. She is proud of herself as an individual and even more so of her cultural heritage, although I never had the “no English” rule and never imposed Chinese culture on her. We go to as many events in her regular school and in her Chinese school as possible to have fun. Her dad volunteers in the dragon dance team, which she is especially proud of. I believe in helping kids enjoy both languages and both cultures. The rest will fall in place with reasonable amount of effort on the part of the child.
