Brain-Body Connection Activity: Space Walk 心脑连结练习之太空漫步

Brain-Body Connection Activity: Space Walk 心脑连结练习之太空漫步

This activity is again multipurpose. (1) It connects the movement of the arms with the legs; (2) the cross-body movement of the hand touching the opposite leg (right hand touch left knee, left hand touch right knee) helps the left hemisphere of the brain connect with the right hand; (3) It also connects fine motor skills with gross motor skills. This is good for both kids who have good gross motor skills but need training in fine motor skills and for kids whose fine moter skills are great but need training in gross motor skills. The body becomes more coordinated in a holistic way as the brain gets more connected.

这个活动也能达成多种功用,全面刺激身脑连结。(1)连结手臂和腿的动作,更加协调;(2)斜挎身体的动作(左手触摸右膝,右手触摸左膝)帮助大脑左右半球互相协调;(3)建立大动作与精细动作的连结。这个动作,对于大动作能力强但是精细动作有待进步的孩子和精细动作很强但是 大动作有待发展的孩子,都有好处。大脑指挥协调,身体动作也会更加协调。