Brain Body Connection: An In-depth Look at Ear Eight 身脑连结之深度讲解耳朵画八

Brain Body Connection: An In-depth Look at Ear Eight 身脑连结之深度讲解耳朵画八

Have you had the experience that when you talk to your kids, it feels like they don’t have their ears with them? Or when the teacher asks them to do something, some kids look like they didn’t hear it at all? Or they would nod their head or say “yes” but don’t really move? The first reaction to this is: this kid has an attitude problem and never listens! Or this is a strong-willed, self-centered kid! Some parents even had their kid’s ears checked by an ENT but found everything normal. Then what IS the problem?


Developmental education experts and therapists such as Diane Craft discovered that, for a lot of kids with this issue, it is a brain-ear connection problem. The ear receives auditory information without any problem; however, it may not send all of the auditory info to the brain. The brain, on the other hand, may not process the auditory information correctly — sometimes the processing is partial and sometimes not at all.

以Diane Craft为代表的儿童发展专家和心理学家发现,很多有次问题的孩子其实是有身脑连结不到位的问题。耳朵接收到了声音信息,可是,有可能不是所有的信息都通过耳朵送到了大脑。大脑也不一定对听到的信息做了正确的处理。有的时候只是处理了部分信息,有的时候甚至完全没有处理。

Have you ever had the experience when you say “if you don’t do this, I will take your X privilege away” the child blows up in a full-blown tantrum? If you say similar things to an adult, they will not like it, but will probably stop the undesirable behavior. This is due to the fact that many little kids can only hear/process the following: (1) the last part of what is said; (2) the part that evokes the strongest feelings; and (3) the part that their attention is on. (This is why parenting experts recommend saying “when you do x, then you will have y”, which is so much better than saying it in the negative way.) Coming back to brain-ear connection, many children don’t really hear the whole entire message, let alone processing it.


This usually happens to very young kids before school age. They are in their own little world and don’t process outside information that much. Most kids grow naturally out of this stage, while some kids need more intentional training. Kids who need training, if untrained, may get stuck with poor brain ear connection for much longer. They may miss a good chunk of what is caught in school, which may look like they have an attention problem, but is actually not.


Schools teach kids based on the assumption that by school age, kids have already had age-appropriate brain-body connection. So, they are teaching higher order skills such as reading comprehension, essay writing, critical thinking, etc. If the kids have not mastered their brain-body coordination skills that are directly associated to their executive functioning skills and processing ability, those higher order academic skills are harder to gain no matter how much teachers, pareents and tutors work with them.


This is exactly why this set of activities are designed. To train kids who need them the necessary brain-body connection to form the physiological foundation for higher order academic skills. Ear eight is specific to the brain’s ability to connect with and process auditory information. Again, the cross body movement is very important in training the left and right hemisphere of the brain to work together in processing and storing auditory information. When your kids are doing the exercise, make sure that the movement crosses their body.


So, why crossing body? We need to take a look at how the two hemispheres of the brain works. Researchers found that the left brain is in charge of logic and short term memory, whereas the right brain is in charge of creativity and long term memory. We store what we learned temporarily in our short term memory and, with repeated and preferably pleasant experiences, what’s stored in short term memory in the left hemisphere will move into long term memory in the right hemisphere. The corpus callosum in between the left and right hemisphere, in which neurons connect with each other to form synapses, helps connect the two hemispheres. Language is processed first and mostly in the left brain. As a result, the cross body movements help the body-brain to physically make connections. However, the brain needs time to make these connections. This is why when doing these activities it is crucial to slow down, too.


Ear Eight