How do I help maintain my child’s home language? (I) 如何帮助孩子保持中文第一语言的能力?(一)

How do I help maintain my child’s home language? (I) 如何帮助孩子保持中文第一语言的能力?(一)

Many parents have this concern. We worry that our kids will completely stop speaking Chinese when they acquire fluent English. And this does happen to many kids. So as parents we all seem to get caught in this delimma. If we facilitate English acquisition and learning, then we risk accelerating their alienation from their home language. But does it have to be this way? What are the solutions that we may consider? What are the pros and cons of different strategies? How to minimize the cons and make them work better? Below is the first part of a review.


Strategy #1: No English at home. The kids (and parents) have to speak Chinese (or whatever the home language is) at home. It was a rule of thumb recommended by many educators, including language teachers. Even pediatricians give this advice on regular checkups for bilingual toddlers and preschoolers. It was firmly believed to be beneficial to and respectful of these kids’ home language and culture.


Pros: Parents can provide rich natual language environment for and native speaker examples of the home language, in our case, Chinese. Kids have to keep processing and producing Chinese to function well at home. The home can also serve as a mini-cultural oasis to preserve elements of the Chinese culture. It’s also an easy strategy in the sense that parents don’t have to have special training in or awareness of any teaching practice; they just need to require their kids to speak only Chinese at home.


Cons: Contrary to popular belief, in many cases the effect of this method is not as long-lasting as we would wish. Many kids would ditch their home language (Chinese) sooner or later. Usually by adolescence many of them would total rebel and refuse to speak Chinese. When parents speak to them, they would reply in English even when they do understand the meaning. This happens even sooner when there are two or more kids in a household. They speak between/among themselves in English and find it hard to carry out their parents home language requirement. Furthermore, many of them develop an aversion to speaking their home language as conflicts over language and between cultures arise. The more kids feel disconnected with the outside world when at home, the more resentment they would feel.


Kids may also find themselves double-processing their academic subjects in Chinese at home but in English at school. It may slow some of them down, especially on the public speaking and writing front in English. Just try saying a double negative sentence in your native language, for example:

“I don’t dislike what you just said to me, but I would not prefer people not staying calm.” vs. “I’m okay with what you just said to me, but I would prefer people to stay calm.”

The first sentence in quote is a classic example of the brain being asked to double process. Imagine double-processing academic knowledge and fundamental skills in two languages for an elementary school kid! This could be especially difficult when logic is presented or concept processed differently, such as numbers — counting in French is VERY different from in English; after reaching 1,000, Chinese and English conceptualize numbers differently, too. A rigid requirement of kids using only home language even for school work will usually result in resistance.

如果家长要求孩子在讨论学习内容的时候也用中文,孩子就会陷入“双重处理”之中。这会让他们提高更慢,尤其是在当众演说和写作等方面。我们可以用自己的母语试一试听说理解双重否定句, 比如:“我不是不喜欢你对我说的这些话,但是我不希望有人跟我说话的时候不镇定。” 相对于这句话,正面肯定句会更容易让我们快速理解,比如:“我喜欢你对我说的这些话,但是我希望你平静下来再说话。” 第一句话是经典的双重处理。想象一下,我们才上小学的孩子用两种语言双重处理所学知识和基础技能!当两种语言在逻辑上和概念上非常不同的时候,即使是同样的知识点,也会变得不利于认知。例如数字,法语的数字说法和英语的就有很不相同的地方,中文的数字过千以后再概念理解上也和英文很不一样。硬性规定孩子必须用中文讨论学习内容会导致孩子的抗拒的。

How to minimize the cons: If it is your firm belief that kids have to speak Chinese at home, do it in fun and respectful ways and give gentle but firm nudges when they forget. Set a good example by not speaking English yourself and try hard to explain things that do not have a one word/phrase equivalent (It’s hard, though, and you may ditch the attempt yourself). Learn to be as bicultural as possible yourself, especially in the area of politeness and ettiquettes. Help your kids see, understand, and respect cultural differences. Relax the “no English” rule when it comes to school work and allow discussions in English for them to process well. Their homework has do be done in English anyways, unless it’s homework from a foreign language class. Remember that although Chinese (or any other home language) is your child’s first language, but it’s up to the child to choose his/her dominant language.


Strategy #2: Go to an after school or Sunday school for the home language, for example, a weekend Chinese school. This strategy is often used alongside the “no English at home” strategy by many parents. Other non-heritage students and kids who do not have a firm “no English as home” rule also go to extracurricular language schools, too.


Pros: The kids have a community instead of a single family to retain their home language and culture. The teachers are all native speakers of the language and first generation immigrants who are living examples of the culture. Kids learn language skills in their home language just like learning language art in English. Textbooks provide written samples in standard Chinese to assist kids become literate in their home language. There may be other enrichment courses after the language class (mainly) in Chinese, such as chess, martial art, singing, drawing, musical instruments, etc. Periodically, there will be other organized community and cultural events to participate. Everyone feels more connected to their culture and forms new friendship outside of regular school.


Cons: As much as all teachers care about their students work as hard as they can, they are also part-time instructors in the school, most of whom have drastically different day jobs. The school typically offer a brief training at the beginning of a semester, but not all teachers have a teaching degree. Kids may still keep speaking English to each other.


How to minimize the cons: If you live in a bigger city where there are two or more extracurricular language schools teaching your language, pay a visit to each and get a feel of which one is a better fit for your child. Get your child into a class that matches her age and level. See if the teacher’s teaching method and style are a good fit for your child and/or your personal beliefs/preferences. Believe in the teacher once you have chosen the class. Truth is, given enough time, if the teacher really cares about teaching and about students’ learning, your kid (especially yong kids) will make friends fast and enjoy learning. I’ve seen plenty of kids not getting as much out of the experience because their parents are too doubtful and switched them from one teacher to another too much, so they only get bits and pieces here and there and won’t be able to form friendship with other kids. Yes, having friends is cruicial to learning and perseverance. Offer appropriate assistance (not just supervision) when they are doing their Chinese homework is also important, which I will talk about in another post. Equally importantly, particpate cultural and community events affiliated with the school so that both you and your child feel a sense of belonging and your child, more open to learning.


There are also other important strategies to retain your child’s home language, which I will discuss in a second post. Stay tuned!
