Brain-Body Connection Activity: Space Walk 心脑连结练习之太空漫步

Brain-Body Connection Activity: Space Walk 心脑连结练习之太空漫步

This activity is again multipurpose. (1) It connects the movement of the arms with the legs; (2) the cross-body movement of the hand touching the opposite leg (right hand touch left knee, left hand touch right knee) helps the left hemisphere of the brain connect 

Brain Body Connection: An In-depth Look at Ear Eight 身脑连结之深度讲解耳朵画八

Brain Body Connection: An In-depth Look at Ear Eight 身脑连结之深度讲解耳朵画八

Have you had the experience that when you talk to your kids, it feels like they don’t have their ears with them? Or when the teacher asks them to do something, some kids look like they didn’t hear it at all? Or they would nod 

Brain Connection and Eye Tracking Ability Can Affect Reading 左右脑连结和眼追踪能力会影响阅读能力

Brain Connection and Eye Tracking Ability Can Affect Reading 左右脑连结和眼追踪能力会影响阅读能力

Yet, the brain and the eyes CAN be trained! Let’s talk about this. 但是!大脑和眼睛都是可以训练的。咱们还得从头说起。 While this is relatively rare, some kids do have problems with reading at the decoding stage. First of all, what is decoding? It is basically putting the sound of the letters 

How do I help maintain my child’s home language? (II) 如何帮助孩子保持中文第一语言的能力?(二)

How do I help maintain my child’s home language? (II) 如何帮助孩子保持中文第一语言的能力?(二)

Strategy #3: Assign different language roles to different family members. This is different from “no English at home” in that specific people are assigned with speaking a specifc language. 方法三:家里面规定有固定说中文的人。这个方法和“家里不许说中文”不同,因为不同的家庭成员要承担起不同的语言角色。说中文要看是和谁说话。 Pros: This strategy works naturally well for younger kids especially when grandparents who don’t speak 

How do I help maintain my child’s home language? (I) 如何帮助孩子保持中文第一语言的能力?(一)

How do I help maintain my child’s home language? (I) 如何帮助孩子保持中文第一语言的能力?(一)

Many parents have this concern. We worry that our kids will completely stop speaking Chinese when they acquire fluent English. And this does happen to many kids. So as parents we all seem to get caught in this delimma. If we facilitate English acquisition and 

Toddlers or Preschoolers: Can they just be sent to daycare without speaking a word of English?只说中文的小娃准备上或者刚上幼儿园的时候需要教他们英语吗?

Toddlers or Preschoolers: Can they just be sent to daycare without speaking a word of English?只说中文的小娃准备上或者刚上幼儿园的时候需要教他们英语吗?

The answer is… Yes and No. 回答是:要看情况。(This is a bilingual post, naturally :D) It depends on quite a few factors. First of all, what is the age of the child? If the child enters daycare before most of their native English speaking counterparts start to