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Brain-Body Connection Activity: Space Walk 心脑连结练习之太空漫步

Brain-Body Connection Activity: Space Walk 心脑连结练习之太空漫步

This activity is again multipurpose. (1) It connects the movement of the arms with the legs; (2) the cross-body movement of the hand touching the opposite leg (right hand touch left knee, left hand touch right knee) helps the left hemisphere of the brain connect 

Brain Body Connection: An In-depth Look at Ear Eight 身脑连结之深度讲解耳朵画八

Brain Body Connection: An In-depth Look at Ear Eight 身脑连结之深度讲解耳朵画八

Have you had the experience that when you talk to your kids, it feels like they don’t have their ears with them? Or when the teacher asks them to do something, some kids look like they didn’t hear it at all? Or they would nod 

Brain Connection and Eye Tracking Ability Can Affect Reading 左右脑连结和眼追踪能力会影响阅读能力

Brain Connection and Eye Tracking Ability Can Affect Reading 左右脑连结和眼追踪能力会影响阅读能力

Yet, the brain and the eyes CAN be trained! Let’s talk about this.


While this is relatively rare, some kids do have problems with reading at the decoding stage. First of all, what is decoding? It is basically putting the sound of the letters in a word together to read the word. Most native speaker kids from 4 to 7 (given some individual differences) can learn to read (in English) pretty easily with phonics. But, some kids do need help.


So, how to spot whether or not your child has trouble reading? First, make sure that your kids are taught phonics (or the OG method that the schools use). When kids do not have complete phonics knowledge, reading may appear to be hard, but that’s not a learning issue. For example, when they knew the sound of all the letters and learned to blend sounds in three letter words (consonant-vowel-consonant), they should have no difficulty reading a little book containing only three letter words. If they do at this stage or at more advanced stages where they’ve learned more complicated rules, we need to keep an eye on them.


Is it because they haven’t remembered the rules? If this is the case, they don’t have a decoding issue. They just need to see more examples of the target words, read more, and try to remember the rules.


If they have trouble with p and q, b and d, w and m, etc., they are totally normal and this tendency will go away as their brain matures. There’s nothing to worry about.


However, if they have one or more of the following occurred to them consistantly when reading, they probably have a learning issue.

  • They’ve learned most of the rules and remembered them, but they got confused within a word because they see letters in *random* orders; and each time the letters switch order randomly.
  • They skip words, phrases, or even jump sentences.
  • They see words in a sentence or even on a page in randomly different orders each time they read the same text.

NOT all of these kids are diagnosed with dyslexia. With the right help, NOT all of them even have a permanent condition, especially for young kids between 4 and 7 whose brain is still developing and has better plasticity.


  • 已经较全面地学了拼读规则并且能记得住,但是读单词的时候就会糊涂,在眼里把字母移位了,并且每次字母看移位了的顺序都是随机的。
  • 读书跳字、跳短语、甚至跳过句子,整个没看见。
  • 在读句子的时候,单词的顺序会随机看乱,每次看乱的顺序都不一样。


If your child has this problem, there are activities that can help. (If the problem is so severe that every word that they see is “messed up” in random ways every time they read, please talk to a pediatrican to get professional help). But if your child can still read, just constantly gets confused, then trying at home some of the activities that professionals use may make a huge difference.


I will be posting some important activities one by one. Today we start with the first one, “Thumb Eight.” This is one of a series of research supported activities that help (1) the eyes to track better in a liniar fashion and (2) the left hemisphere of the brain to make stronger connections with the right hemisphere. When the eyes can track better liniarly from left to right, reading problems caused by seeing letters and words in randomly wrong places will gradually resolve. The key is to stick with these activities every day for a longer period of time (1-2 years).


Thumb Eight

How do I help maintain my child’s home language? (II) 如何帮助孩子保持中文第一语言的能力?(二)

How do I help maintain my child’s home language? (II) 如何帮助孩子保持中文第一语言的能力?(二)

Strategy #3: Assign different language roles to different family members. This is different from “no English at home” in that specific people are assigned with speaking a specifc language. 方法三:家里面规定有固定说中文的人。这个方法和“家里不许说中文”不同,因为不同的家庭成员要承担起不同的语言角色。说中文要看是和谁说话。 Pros: This strategy works naturally well for younger kids especially when grandparents who don’t speak 

How do I help maintain my child’s home language? (I) 如何帮助孩子保持中文第一语言的能力?(一)

How do I help maintain my child’s home language? (I) 如何帮助孩子保持中文第一语言的能力?(一)

Many parents have this concern. We worry that our kids will completely stop speaking Chinese when they acquire fluent English. And this does happen to many kids. So as parents we all seem to get caught in this delimma. If we facilitate English acquisition and 

Toddlers or Preschoolers: Can they just be sent to daycare without speaking a word of English?只说中文的小娃准备上或者刚上幼儿园的时候需要教他们英语吗?

Toddlers or Preschoolers: Can they just be sent to daycare without speaking a word of English?只说中文的小娃准备上或者刚上幼儿园的时候需要教他们英语吗?

The answer is… Yes and No.

回答是:要看情况。(This is a bilingual post, naturally :D)

It depends on quite a few factors. First of all, what is the age of the child? If the child enters daycare before most of their native English speaking counterparts start to talk much (before 2.5), s/he is probably going to be totally fine. Assuming it’s a fully time daycare attendance, s/he will just acquire full fluency with the rest of the kids. It will be a great help both for the teachers and for your child to do the following two things: (1) give a posted note of a Pinyin version of a few crucial Chinese words for the teacher to try and understand/communicate with your child, such as Chi (eat), Shui (water), Hai Yao (more), Bao Bao (hold me, hug me), Hua Hua (go potty), etc.; and (2) teach your child a few English words to express most imporant and/or urgent needs, although at first when she’s upset she will most likely speak Chinese. For example, eat, water, more, hug/hold/carry me, potty. And also, teach your child the number 1 used word by toddlers (and preschoolers): “No!” in case her peer is doing something she doesn’t like. You are basically covered!

有很多因素需要考虑,并不能一概而论。首先,孩子多大了?如果孩子在两岁半之前,可能不太需要父母教什么。如果每周去五天全天都在幼儿园的话,大多数孩子都不会有问题。当然,如果您能做到下面两点,对孩子和老师都会很有帮助:(1)给老师一个小纸条,上面用拼音对照英语写上重要的日常用词,比如,吃Chi、水Shui、还要Hai Yao、抱抱Bao Bao、(尿)花花Hua Hua,以便老师能够明白孩子当下最急需的是什么。(2)同样教孩子这些词的英语怎么说,即使他一开始在哭闹的时候可能还是会用中文喊出需求。同时再教孩子一个小娃最爱的 “No!” 这样他就可以告诉同伴他不喜欢别人做什么。他会感到自己的环境是更可控的。这样就好啦!

If your child is 3 and above when they enter a daycare/preschool, you do need to teach them English at home in the beginning so that they can function well at preschool, because at this point, all other kids are already fluent in English. He may feel confused, left out, laughed at by peers (even when they don’t laugh), or simply feeling deeply embarrassed. The daily activity structure of kids age 3 and above is also not the same as toddler classes. The teachers talk more and in more “big kid friendly” ways. The kids may have a prayer routine (religious or not) before lunch. There will be morning circle time where the teacher lays out the whole day, reads stories, and gives instructions for the next activity. The teacher may start to train kids to follow 3-step instructions. Contrary to the popular belief that it would be a sea of English language input, many kids who don’t speak English yet find it really hard to fit in or process. Yes, there’s plenty of input, but, is that input *comprehensible* to the kid? Even those who learn fast and adapt quickly find it emotionally challenging — they are too young to verbalize the discomfort they feel, but they feel it, intensely. I’ve seen with my own eyes 3 or 4 year olds tearing up with unspeakable embarrassment and shame just talking about their experiences before they become fully fluent. It breaks my heart. So, as much as I am a bilingual, bicultural, biliteracy advocate, highly bi-educated myself, and a professionally trained language teacher with advanced degree, I do recommend that parents teach their 3+ kids at least some necessary survival and social English sentences and phrases as they start preschool.


Another factor is language aptitude, complicated by child personality and emotional state (we call the latter “affective filter” in the field of second language acquisition). While many kids at a young age are highly adaptable and learn languages fast and easy, not all kids are the same. Some perfectly smart kids may find it hard especially at the beginning to understand and produce a second language without necessary help. The reason is pretty complex. Some of them may just not be that apt at languages. Some of them when new to an environment may be so scared and upset for much longer than we thought they would. In such an emotional state, their brain is less ready to process the language. Kids learn differently, too. Researchers found that kids who are outgoing and learns a second language fast may later on have trouble with accuracy (correct grammar and wording, too many fillers), because they can get by and have friends because of their happy-go-lucky personality. On the other hand, introverted kids may refuse to speak for quite a few months, being misunderstood as having difficulty or disabilities, only to later on open their mouth and speak perfectly accurate and fluent English.


Some kids may be strong-willed and wish that if they stick with it long enough, their peers may learn their language. My daughter is a good case in point. She stuck with her guns for almost a year, in two different daycares! When I picked her up, many of the other little 1.5-2 year olds would run to us and speak “Chinese” to me! Well, not real Chinese, but what they gathered from my daughter to be “Chinese,” which was, by pronunciation and tone, pretty amazingly accurate! It was not until the day when we sent her to the ER for a health issue (which resolved over the night) where she observed some prolonged conversations between me and the doctors that she realized that sometimes you just need to speak English to understand each other! Once she understood, there was no stopping her. (Here you might start to wonder, what if my child forgets her Chinese? I will discuss this in detail in another post).


Whether the daycare/preschool and the teachers are able to offer support and accommodations is also important. Are they willing to try to understand your child when they are crying and speaking Chinese words? Are they able to connect with your child and build a trusting relationship? The daycare that we take our daughter out a few months into it didn’t have good support and the teachers were not able to make positive and secure connections with her. In some ways this further complicated the fact that she was stubborn about everyone else should learn her language (although being strong-willed is a great attribute). The daycare she finally settled in really well was able to provide her with great support in all aspects, not just language, and the teachers made every effort to connect with her in loving and caring ways. Not that anybody speaks Chinese there, but with the posted notes and my own parental help that I mentioned earlier, they were able to understand her and help her feel at home there and made lots of friends before she lowered her shield and started to be a stellar talker before she was 3.


So, should parents be worried? Absolutely not. Should parents offer help wherever appropriate? Absolutely yes. Don’t be their “life buoy” as we need to teach them independence, but be their coach, understand them, teach them how to swim in what at first may seem to be an overwhelmingly huge sea of language input.


Welcome to Ms Ally’s Blog! 欢迎来到Ally老师的博客!

Welcome to Ms Ally’s Blog! 欢迎来到Ally老师的博客!

Welcome to my blog for achieving bicultural competence and bilingual literacy excellence! As a teacher and a parent who is bicultural and bilingual myself, like all the parents with whom I have come into contact, I would like my child to be highly competent biculturally